Bayesian Estimation
CEO Salary Estimation Problem
Consider the following problem. An investigative reporter wants to figure out how much salary makes the CEO of an investment bank X. For this he conducts interviews with some of the employees of that bank and writes down their salaries, which forms the following sample
The uniform distribution is the maximum entropy probability distribution under no constraint other than that it is contained in the distribution’s support (according to the principle of maximum entropy, if nothing is known about a distribution except that it belongs to a certain class (usually defined in terms of specified properties or measures), then the distribution with the largest entropy should be chosen as the least-informative default.)
Frequentist and Bayesian Estimation
Since no other information is known about the possible values of the CEO’s salary, the reporter needs to estimate the unknown
Now suppose that the investigative reporter wants to get a Pulitzer prize for his reporting and remembers that he has a minor in Statistics. He reads economics literature and finds out that economists established that nationally the salaries of CEOs of banks follow the Pareto distribution
Conjugate priors
In the example above the prior distribution of the unknown parameter
- The prior distribution
(with the density ) is called conjugate prior for the likelihood function if its posterior density function is from the same family as the likelihood function.
The Bayes’ theorem specifies the following relationship between the likelihood function
Pareto distributions
The random variable
Show that if
follows the Pareto distribution then the parameters and can be estimated as follows: where is an i.i.d. sample fromSuppose that an i.i.d. sample is observed
Consider an estimator for based on the sample Mean Squared Error (MSE, ) for this estimator is defined as If the prior distribution of the unknown parameter is given then the Bayesian risk of the estimator is defined as Show that the Bayes estimator, defined as the one which minimizes the Bayesian risk, has the form where is the posterior distribution ofSuppose that
and . Show that the Bayes estimator has the form